Mastering Social Media Marketing for Hotels: Strategies for 2024 Success

Picture this: You’re scrolling through Instagram, and suddenly you’re captivated by a stunning image of a beachfront hotel suite. Before you know it, you’re daydreaming about your next vacation. That’s the power of social media marketing for hotels! I’ve seen firsthand how a well-crafted social strategy can transform a hotel’s online presence and bookings. In my 10+ years as a digital marketing pro, I’ve helped countless hotels navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media. Trust me, it’s not just about pretty pictures (though those help). Let’s dive into the world of likes, shares, and bookings to uncover how hotels can truly shine on social platforms in 2024!

Two people using social media on their mobile phones

Understanding the Social Media Landscape for Hotels

Let me tell you, the social media landscape for hotels is like a constantly shifting sand dune – just when you think you’ve got it figured out, the wind changes direction! I remember when I first started in this industry, it was all about Facebook. Now? It’s a whole different ballgame.

Instagram has become the crown jewel for hotel marketing, and boy, is it a powerhouse! I once worked with a boutique hotel in Miami that was struggling to fill rooms. We revamped their Instagram strategy, focusing on those drool-worthy sunrise shots over the ocean and behind-the-scenes peeks at their mixologist crafting signature cocktails. Within three months, their bookings shot up by 30%! It just goes to show that in the hospitality world, a picture really is worth a thousand words – or in this case, a thousand bookings.

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about pretty pictures anymore. Enter TikTok, the new kid on the block that’s taking the hotel industry by storm. I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first. “Dancing videos for hotel marketing? Come on!” But I couldn’t have been more wrong. We created a series of quick-hit room tours and staff talent showcases for a mid-size hotel chain, and their engagement rates went through the roof. The lesson? Never underestimate the power of a good 15-second video.

Now, don’t get me wrong – Facebook isn’t dead. Far from it. It’s still a crucial player, especially for targeting those Gen X and Boomer travelers. I’ve seen Facebook Events work wonders for hotels hosting weddings or conferences. And let’s not forget about Facebook Groups – they’re gold for building community around your brand. I once helped a ski resort create a group for winter sports enthusiasts, and it became a bustling hub of activity that drove consistent bookings throughout the season.

Twitter, while not as visually-oriented, still has its place in the hotel social media ecosystem. It’s become the go-to platform for real-time customer service. I can’t tell you how many potential PR nightmares I’ve seen averted with a quick, thoughtful response to a guest’s tweet.

But here’s the real secret sauce – user-generated content. It’s like having an army of marketers working for you for free! We encouraged guests at a Caribbean resort to use a specific hashtag when posting their vacation photos. The result? A constant stream of authentic, FOMO-inducing content that did more for bookings than any professional photoshoot could have.

The key takeaway? Diversify, adapt, and always, ALWAYS prioritize visual content. In the hotel industry, you’re selling an experience, not just a room. Your social media presence should reflect that.

Oh, and one last thing – don’t forget to keep an eye on emerging platforms. Remember, TikTok wasn’t even on our radar a few years ago, and now it’s a major player. Stay curious, stay flexible, and don’t be afraid to experiment. After all, in the world of social media marketing for hotels, the only constant is change!

Crafting a Winning Social Media Strategy for Your Hotel

Buckle up because we’re about to dive into the nitty-gritty of social media strategy for hotels. And let me tell you, it’s not all sunshine and poolside cocktails (though those definitely help with engagement rates!).

First things first: goals. You’d be surprised how many hotels I’ve worked with that jump into social media without a clear idea of what they want to achieve. Big mistake. Huge. I once had a client who was pumping out content left and right, but their occupancy rates weren’t budging. Why? Because they were focusing on vanity metrics like likes and follows instead of conversions and booking inquiries. Don’t fall into that trap!

Set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Want to increase direct bookings by 15% in the next quarter? Great! Looking to boost engagement rates on Instagram by 25% in six months? Awesome! Just make sure your goals align with your overall business objectives. Trust me, your CFO will thank you later.

Now, let’s talk audience. You can’t be everything to everyone, and in the hotel biz, that’s especially true. Are you targeting luxury travelers, budget-conscious families, or maybe business road warriors? Each group hangs out in different corners of the social media universe and responds to different types of content.

I’ll never forget working with a high-end resort that was trying to appeal to everyone under the sun. Their feed was a mishmash of budget tips, luxury experiences, and everything in between. The result? A whole lot of confusion and not many bookings. We narrowed their focus to luxury travelers, and boom! Their engagement rates skyrocketed, and more importantly, so did their bookings.

Content calendars – they’re not just for type-A personalities anymore. In fact, they’re essential. But here’s the catch: in the hotel industry, you need to be flexible. Sure, plan out your major campaigns, seasonal promotions, and regular content themes. But leave room for spontaneity.

I once worked with a beachfront hotel that had a killer content calendar. Everything was planned to a T. Then, one day, a pod of dolphins showed up right off the beach. The social media manager grabbed her phone, took some incredible footage, and posted it immediately. That spontaneous post ended up being their most engaged content of the year. The lesson? Plan, but be ready to pivot when opportunity knocks.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: the sales pitch. Yes, you’re on social media to drive bookings. But if every post screams “Book now!”, you’re gonna lose followers faster than a guest who finds out the pool is closed for renovations.

I recommend following the 80/20 rule. 80% of your content should be engaging, valuable, or entertaining for your audience. Share local attractions, behind-the-scenes peeks, staff stories, guest experiences. The other 20% can be more sales-focused. But even then, make it subtle. Showcase a room with a breathtaking view rather than just posting your latest promotion.

Remember that social media is, well, social. Engage with your followers. Respond to comments. Share user-generated content. I once worked with a boutique hotel that made it a point to respond to every single comment and mention. Not only did it boost their engagement rates, but it also led to a noticeable uptick in repeat bookings. People love to feel heard and appreciated.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to show some personality! Hotels can seem a bit… well, corporate. But social media is your chance to show off your brand’s unique voice. Are you quirky? Luxurious? Family-friendly? Let that shine through in your content.

Crafting a winning social media strategy for your hotel isn’t rocket science, but it does take thought, planning, and a willingness to adapt. Keep your goals clear, know your audience, plan but stay flexible, focus on engagement over sales, and let your brand personality shine. Do all that, and you’ll be well on your way to social media success. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a sudden urge to book a beachfront room!

Leveraging Instagram to Showcase Your Hotel’s Best Features

Ah, Instagram – the platform that can make or break a hotel’s online presence. I’ll never forget the time I was working with a quaint little boutique hotel in Bali. They had charm oozing out of every nook and cranny, but their Instagram feed looked like it was stuck in the flip phone era. Talk about a missed opportunity!

First things first, let’s chat about creating those Instagram-worthy spots. Now, I’m not saying you need to redesign your entire hotel (though if you’ve got the budget, why not?). It’s about identifying and enhancing what you’ve already got. That Bali hotel? We took their already gorgeous bamboo swing and added some fairy lights and colorful cushions. Bam! Instant Instagram hotspot. Guests were lining up to take photos, and our hashtag started trending locally. Win-win!

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about creating pretty spots. It’s about strategically placing them. We installed a stunning mural in a previously boring hallway, right where guests would pass on their way to breakfast. The result? A flood of morning selfies that showcased not just the mural, but also our breakfast spread in the background. Sneaky? Maybe. Effective? You bet!

Now, let’s talk Stories and Reels. If you’re not using these features, you’re missing out big time. I once worked with a luxury resort that was hesitant to use Stories because they thought it wasn’t “high-end” enough. Oh, how wrong they were! We started doing daily “Good Morning” Stories showcasing the sunrise over their infinity pool. Engagement shot through the roof, and we started getting DMs asking about booking the exact rooms we were featuring.

Reels are where it’s at for virtual tours. We created a series of quick 15-second room tours for a boutique hotel chain, showcasing different room types with a catchy music backdrop. Not only did these Reels get tons of views, but we also saw a direct correlation with an uptick in bookings for the specific room types we featured. Coincidence? I think not!

Let’s not forget about hashtags. They’re not just millennial mumbo-jumbo – they’re your ticket to discoverability. But here’s a pro tip: don’t just slap #hotel on everything and call it a day. Get specific and get local. We once ran a campaign for a New York hotel using #NYCRooftopBar along with some of our usual tags. Guess what? Our reach expanded by 150%, and we even got featured on a popular NYC Instagram account. Cha-ching!

Now, influencer collaborations. I know, I know, the word “influencer” might make you roll your eyes. But hear me out. When done right, influencer collabs can be gold. The key? Finding the right fit. We once partnered with a travel blogger who had a modest but highly engaged following of luxury travel enthusiasts. Her single post about our client’s hotel spa generated more bookings than our previous month’s entire ad spend. The lesson? Sometimes, micro-influencers pack more punch than the big names.

But here’s something many hotels overlook – employee advocacy. Your staff can be your best influencers! We encouraged the staff at a beach resort to share their favorite spots on the property on their personal Instagram accounts (with permission, of course). The authentic, behind-the-scenes content was a hit! Guests started requesting specific staff members they’d seen on Instagram, creating a more personal connection before they even arrived.

Remember, Instagram is a visual feast, and in the hotel industry, you’re the chef. Serve up a delicious mix of breathtaking views, behind-the-scenes peeks, guest experiences, and local flavors. Use all the tools in your Instagram toolkit – posts, Stories, Reels, IGTV, guides – to create a multi-course experience that leaves your followers drooling and ready to book.

And please, for the love of all that is holy, invest in good photography. I’ve seen too many stunning properties done dirty by poorly lit, blurry iPhone photos. You don’t need a professional photographer on staff (though it doesn’t hurt), but do invest in some basic photography training for your social media team.

At the end of the day, your Instagram should make potential guests feel like they’re already on vacation. If you can capture that feeling, you’re not just showcasing your hotel – you’re selling an experience. And in this industry, that’s what it’s all about. Now, if you’ll excuse me, all this Instagram talk has me itching to book a getaway!

Maximizing Facebook’s Features for Hotel Marketing

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Isn’t Facebook old news?” Well, let me tell you, in the hotel marketing game, Facebook is like that reliable old friend who’s always got your back. Sure, it might not be the coolest kid on the block anymore, but it’s still packing some serious punch when it comes to reaching potential guests.

First up, let’s chat about Facebook Events. Oh boy, have I seen these work wonders! I remember working with this quirky little boutique hotel in Austin. They were struggling to fill rooms during SXSW because, let’s face it, competition was fierce. So, we created a Facebook Event for a series of live music nights in their lobby. Not only did it fill up their event space, but it also led to a 25% increase in room bookings during the festival. The key? We made sure to optimize the event page with all the juicy details and some mouth-watering photos of their craft cocktails. People couldn’t resist!

Now, onto Facebook Groups. These are like hidden gems in the Facebook universe. I once helped a ski resort create a group for winter sports enthusiasts. At first, it was slow going. But then we started sharing insider tips about the best slopes, snow conditions, and après-ski spots. Before we knew it, we had a thriving community of over 10,000 members! And guess what? When it came time to book their ski trips, our resort was top of mind. It wasn’t just about direct bookings either – the user-generated content from this group was pure gold for our marketing efforts.

Let’s not forget about Facebook Live. I’ll be honest, when this feature first came out, I was skeptical. Live video for hotel marketing? Seemed risky. But boy, was I wrong! We decided to do a weekly Facebook Live session for a beachfront resort, showcasing different aspects of the property. The sunset sessions were particularly popular. We’d have the bartender whip up the cocktail of the week, chat with guests (with their permission, of course), and show off that stunning ocean view. The engagement was off the charts, and we saw a direct correlation with an uptick in bookings.

Now, here’s something that often gets overlooked – optimizing your hotel’s Facebook Business Page for local SEO. It’s not the sexiest topic, but trust me, it’s crucial. I once worked with a city center hotel that was struggling to show up in local searches. We made sure their Facebook page was fully filled out with accurate information, lots of photos, and regular updates. We also encouraged guests to check in and leave reviews. Within a few months, their visibility in local searches skyrocketed, and so did their walk-in traffic.

But here’s the real kicker with Facebook – its advertising capabilities. The targeting options are insane! I remember running a campaign for a luxury resort in the Maldives. We created a custom audience of people who had visited high-end travel websites, were interested in scuba diving, and had recently got engaged. The results? A return on ad spend that made the hotel owner do a happy dance!

One last thing – don’t underestimate the power of Facebook Messenger for customer service. We set up a chatbot for a large hotel chain to handle simple queries, and it was a game-changer. It freed up the staff to handle more complex issues, and guests loved getting instant responses, even at 2 AM.

The bottom line is, Facebook might not be the new kid on the block, but it’s still a powerhouse for hotel marketing. It’s all about using the right features for your specific goals. Want to drive event attendance? Use Facebook Events. Looking to build a community around your brand? Facebook Groups are your friend. Need to showcase your property in real-time? Go live!

Remember, at the end of the day, Facebook is about connecting with people. So don’t just broadcast – engage, respond, and build relationships. Your future guests are out there, scrolling through their feeds. Make sure your hotel is the one that catches their eye and makes them think, “I need to stay there!” Now, if you’ll excuse me, all this Facebook talk has me itching to update my status!

Tapping into TikTok’s Potential for Hotel Promotion

I’ll be the first to admit, when TikTok first burst onto the scene, I was skeptical. “Dancing teenagers? How’s that gonna help sell hotel rooms?” Boy, was I in for a wake-up call!

I remember working with this swanky boutique hotel in Miami. The owner was pushing 60 and looked at me like I had two heads when I suggested TikTok. But we decided to give it a shot, and let me tell you, it was like striking gold in the social media world.

First things first, we had to get creative with our content. This isn’t Instagram, folks. You can’t just post a pretty picture of a hotel room and call it a day. We started by creating fun, trend-based content. Remember that “It’s Corn” song that was everywhere? We made a video showcasing all the corn-based dishes in our restaurant, from elotes to cornbread. It was silly, it was fun, and it went viral faster than you can say “check-in time.”

But here’s the real kicker – TikTok isn’t just about jumping on trends. It’s about creating authentic, behind-the-scenes content that gives viewers a real feel for your hotel. We started a series called “Hotel Secrets” where we shared insider tips and tricks. Our head of housekeeping became a minor TikTok celebrity with her video on how to fold fitted sheets. Who knew?!

Now, let’s talk about challenges. TikTok challenges are like catnip for engagement. We created a challenge called #LobbyDanceOff where we encouraged guests to show off their best dance moves in our admittedly gorgeous lobby. The response was insane! We had everyone from kids to grandmas busting moves, and our lobby became THE place to be seen in Miami.

But it’s not all fun and games. TikTok can be a powerful tool for showcasing your hotel’s unique features. We did a series of 15-second room tours that highlighted our best suites. The key? We made them fast-paced, set them to trending music, and threw in some quirky transitions. Suddenly, our room tours weren’t just informative – they were entertainment.

Now, let’s chat about TikTok’s advertising features. They’re still relatively new, which means they’re less saturated than other platforms. We experimented with In-Feed Ads for a last-minute summer promotion. The targeting capabilities were impressive, and the cost per booking was significantly lower than our Facebook campaigns.

One thing I’ve learned about TikTok? You’ve got to be willing to let your hair down a bit. We convinced our usually straight-laced General Manager to participate in the “Boss Challenge.” He was a good sport about it, and that video ended up being our most-viewed content ever. It humanized our brand and showed that we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

But here’s a pro tip: don’t just create content for content’s sake. Every video should have a purpose, whether it’s showcasing a feature, promoting an offer, or just building brand awareness. We created a storyboard for each video, making sure it aligned with our overall marketing goals.

And remember, TikTok moves fast. What’s trending today might be old news tomorrow. We made sure to stay on top of trends by having a dedicated team member whose job was to scroll through TikTok for at least an hour each day. Tough job, I know, but someone’s gotta do it!

One last thing – don’t underestimate the power of user-generated content on TikTok. We created a branded hashtag and encouraged guests to use it when posting about their stay. The authentic, unfiltered content was marketing gold. We even started featuring the best guest TikToks on our in-room TVs, creating a fun feedback loop that encouraged even more content creation.

In the end, our TikTok efforts led to a 40% increase in bookings from the under-30 crowd. Not too shabby for a platform I initially dismissed as “just for kids,” huh?

So, if you’re not on TikTok yet, what are you waiting for? It’s time to stop watching from the sidelines and jump into the game. Your next viral moment (and a whole bunch of bookings) could be just one 15-second video away. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a new dance trend to learn!

Harnessing X (Twitter) for Real-Time Guest Engagement

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Isn’t X (Twitter) just for politicians and celebrities to air their dirty laundry?” Well, let me tell you, in the hotel biz, X (Twitter) can be your secret weapon for real-time guest engagement. And boy, do I have some stories to share!

First off, let’s chat about customer service. X (Twitter) is like the front desk of the internet – it’s where people go when they need something NOW. I once worked with a luxury resort that was hesitant to use X (Twitter) for customer service. “We’re high-end,” they said. “Our guests don’t tweet.” Oh, how wrong they were!

We set up a dedicated customer service X (Twitter) handle, and within a week, we were solving problems left and right. I’ll never forget the time a guest tweeted about forgetting his laptop charger. Within 10 minutes, we had arranged for a compatible charger to be sent to his room. He was so impressed, he ended up extending his stay by two nights. Cha-ching!

But here’s the thing about X (Twitter) – it’s not just for putting out fires. It’s a goldmine for creating those “wow” moments that turn guests into loyal brand advocates. We started a “Tweet for a Treat” program where guests could tweet us for a surprise amenity. It could be anything from a fruit basket to a complimentary spa treatment. The excitement it generated was off the charts, and our mentions exploded!

Now, let’s talk about sharing time-sensitive offers. X (Twitter)’s real-time nature makes it perfect for last-minute deals. I remember working with a city center hotel that always had a few unsold rooms midweek. We started tweeting out flash sales every Tuesday afternoon. The response was incredible – we were filling those empty rooms and creating a buzz at the same time. People were literally waiting by their phones for our Tuesday tweets!

But here’s a pro tip – don’t just use X (Twitter) to broadcast. Use it to listen. We set up X (Twitter) lists to monitor local events, attractions, and even competitors. This gave us a real-time pulse on what was happening in our area. When a big concert was announced, we were among the first to tweet out a special package for concert-goers. Guess who got a shoutout from the band for being on the ball? Yep, us!

Engaging with local events and attractions is crucial. We made it a point to retweet and engage with posts from nearby museums, restaurants, and event spaces. Not only did this provide valuable info to our guests, but it also helped us build relationships with local businesses. Before long, we were the go-to hotel for recommendations in the area.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – negative feedback. It happens, and on X (Twitter), it happens publicly. But here’s the thing – how you handle it can turn a negative into a major positive. We had a guest tweet about a noisy room. Instead of getting defensive, we immediately responded, apologized, and offered to move them to a quieter room. We even threw in a complimentary breakfast. The guest was so impressed with our rapid response, they ended up tweeting about our excellent customer service!

One thing I’ve learned about X (Twitter)? Personality is key. We encouraged our social media team to inject some humor and personality into their tweets. We even had a “Tweet of the Week” contest among staff for the most engaging tweet. It made our account more human, more approachable, and way more fun to interact with.

But remember, X (Twitter) moves fast. You need to be on your toes. We made sure we had someone monitoring our X (Twitter) account 24/7. Yes, it was an investment, but the payoff in terms of guest satisfaction and brand reputation was immeasurable.

Lastly, don’t forget about X (Twitter)’s advertising features. While not as robust as Facebook’s, they can still be effective, especially for targeting users based on interests or events. We ran a campaign targeting people tweeting about planning vacations and saw a solid return on investment.

At the end of the day, X (Twitter) is all about real-time engagement. It’s about being there when your guests need you, surprising and delighting them, and showing the human side of your brand. If you’re not using X (Twitter) to its full potential, you’re missing out on a powerful tool for building guest loyalty and driving bookings.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a tweet to send out about this amazing sunset view from our rooftop bar. #HotelLife, am I right?

Measuring and Analyzing Social Media Performance for Hotels

Alright, folks, buckle up because we’re about to get into the nitty-gritty of social media analytics. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Ugh, numbers. Boring!” But trust me, this is where the magic happens. It’s like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you’re cracking the code of what makes your guests tick.

Let me tell you a story. I once worked with this beautiful beachfront resort. They were pumping out content like there was no tomorrow – stunning sunset shots, mouthwatering food pics, you name it. But their bookings weren’t budging. Why? Because they were focusing on vanity metrics. Sure, they had tons of likes and followers, but those weren’t translating into cold, hard cash.

So, what metrics should you be tracking? First up, engagement rate. This isn’t just about likes, folks. We’re talking comments, shares, saves – the whole shebang. We started diving deep into which posts were getting the most meaningful engagement. Turns out, behind-the-scenes content of our staff was outperforming those picture-perfect beach shots. Who knew people cared more about our friendly bartender than our infinity pool?

Next, let’s talk about reach and impressions. These tell you how many eyeballs are actually seeing your content. We noticed our reach on Instagram was plateauing, so we started experimenting with posting times. After some trial and error (and a few bleary-eyed 3 AM posts), we found our sweet spot. Our reach increased by 50% practically overnight!

But here’s the kicker – conversion rate. This is the holy grail of social media metrics for hotels. We set up unique tracking links for each platform and started monitoring which ones were actually driving bookings. Surprise, surprise – Twitter, which we’d almost written off, was quietly chugging along as our second-best converter after Instagram.

Now, let’s chat tools. There are fancier analytics tools out there than you can shake a stick at, but don’t overlook the built-in analytics on each platform. We used a combination of native analytics and a third-party tool to get the full picture. It was like having x-ray vision into our social media performance.

But here’s the thing – data is useless if you don’t know how to interpret it. We started having weekly “data parties” (yes, that’s what we called them – we’re nerds, okay?) where we’d dive into the numbers and brainstorm ways to improve. It was during one of these sessions that we realized our Facebook ads were underperforming because we were targeting too broadly. We narrowed our focus, and boom – our cost per acquisition dropped by 30%.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – ROI. Calculating return on investment for social media can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. We started by assigning a value to different types of conversions – from a direct booking to a newsletter sign-up. Then we compared our social media spend to the value generated. It took some finessing, but we eventually got to a point where we could confidently say, “For every dollar we spend on social media, we’re making X dollars back.”

But don’t forget about the intangible benefits. How do you measure brand awareness or customer sentiment? We started using social listening tools to track mentions of our hotel across social media. We even set up alerts for common misspellings of our name (you’d be surprised how creative people can get). This gave us invaluable insights into how people perceived our brand.

Here’s a pro tip: don’t just look at your own data in isolation. We started benchmarking our performance against our competitors. It was like being a spy, but totally legal! This competitive analysis helped us identify gaps in our strategy and opportunities to stand out.

Remember, the social media landscape is always changing. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. We made it a point to regularly review and adjust our strategies based on our analytics. Sometimes this meant killing our darlings – like that weekly cocktail recipe series that I personally loved but the data showed wasn’t performing.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of A/B testing. We’d create two versions of a post – maybe with different copy or images – and see which performed better. These little experiments led to some big insights that shaped our overall strategy.

At the end of the day, measuring and analyzing your social media performance isn’t just about numbers – it’s about understanding your audience and continually improving your strategy. It’s about turning those likes and comments into bookings and loyal guests.

So, next time you’re tempted to skip over your analytics in favor of crafting that perfect Instagram post, remember: the numbers are trying to tell you a story. And in the hotel business, that story could be the difference between a fully booked season and tumbleweeds in your lobby.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with some spreadsheets. Who said number crunching couldn’t be fun?

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As we’ve explored, social media marketing for hotels is a dynamic and powerful tool in the hospitality industry. From creating Instagrammable moments to providing real-time customer service on Twitter, each platform offers unique opportunities to connect with potential guests. Remember, consistency is key, and authenticity will always win over polished perfection. As you implement these strategies, don’t forget to listen to your audience and adapt accordingly. The social media landscape may continue to evolve, but with these tools in your arsenal, your hotel will be well-equipped to thrive in the digital age. So, are you ready to turn those likes into bookings? Let’s get social!

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A results-driven Digital Marketing professional with 15+ years of experience across, SEO, Integrated Media Strategy, Content Strategy, and Digital Analytics. I have implemented successful growth strategies across various industries, such as Hospitality, SaaS, B2B, Retail, Pharmaceutical, and Publishing.

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