9 Essential Hotel Website Pages to Optimize for SEO Success

I’ve seen firsthand how a well-optimized website can be the difference between a fully booked season and empty rooms. Remember when we thought stuffing keywords into footer text was cutting-edge SEO? Those were the days, right? Now, we’re dealing with sophisticated algorithms and savvy travelers who expect nothing but the best online experience. Here’s a stat that keeps me up at night: 81% of travelers prefer to book directly with hotels when possible. Are we making it easy for them? Today, I’m sharing my battle-tested playbook for optimizing the core pages of your hotel website.

Couple booking a hotel on a hotel website on their laptop

Home Page: Your Digital Lobby

Your homepage isn’t just another page – it’s your hotel’s digital front desk. It’s where first impressions are made, where potential guests decide whether to book or bounce. Many hotels treat their homepage like a static brochure, which is a missed opportunity. Let’s dive into how to make your homepage work as hard as your best concierge.

Craft an Above-the-Fold Experience That Stops Scrollers

You’ve got about 3 seconds to grab attention. Make them count!

  • Use a high-quality hero image or video that showcases your hotel’s best feature. Is it the ocean view? The luxurious spa? Whatever it is, make it pop.

  • Keep it dynamic. A ski resort once used real-time webcam footage of the slopes as their hero image. Bookings shot up 30% that season.

  • Ensure your hero image looks great on mobile. Over 50% of hotel searches are done on mobile devices now.

Nail Your Value Proposition

What makes your property unique? Spell it out, front and center.

  • Be specific. “Luxury hotel in downtown” is yawn-worthy. “Art Deco gem with rooftop jazz bar in the heart of the theater district” – now that’s intriguing.

  • Use power words that evoke emotion. “Experience,” “Discover,” “Indulge” – these trigger the imagination.

  • A/B test your value propositions. You might be surprised what resonates with your audience.

Optimize Meta Title and Description

This is your first impression in search results. Make it count!

  • Include your hotel name, location, and a unique selling point in the title. Example: “Oceanview Resort | Beachfront Luxury in Maui | Private Balconies”

  • Keep your title under 60 characters to avoid truncation in search results.

  • Use your meta description to expand on your value proposition. Include a call-to-action like “Book direct for best rates.”

Implement Schema Markup

Help search engines understand your hotel at a glance.

  • Use HotelRoom schema to highlight room types, pricing, and availability.

  • Implement Review schema to showcase your star rating in search results.

  • Don’t forget LocalBusiness schema to improve your local SEO performance.

Showcase Awards and Reviews

Let your guests do the talking. Social proof is incredibly powerful.

  • Display logos of prestigious awards (TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice, Forbes Star Rating, etc.) prominently.

  • Feature a rotating selection of your best guest reviews. Keep them short and impactful.

  • Include a real-time feed of your TripAdvisor or Google reviews if they’re consistently high.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Add a prominent search widget: Make it dead simple for visitors to check availability for their dates.

  2. Highlight direct booking perks: Offer a best rate guarantee or extra amenities for booking directly.

  3. Use micro-interactions: Small animations can guide users’ attention. A subtle bounce on your “Book Now” button can increase click-through rates.

  4. Optimize for speed: A 1-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. Compress those images!

  5. Include a chatbot: Offer instant answers to common questions. This can significantly reduce bounce rates.

Remember, your homepage isn’t set-it-and-forget-it. It’s a living, breathing part of your marketing strategy. Test, refine, and optimize constantly. Your occupancy rates will thank you.

Amenities Page: Selling the Experience, Not Just the Stay

Your amenities page is more than a list of features – it’s a showcase of the experiences that make your hotel unique. It’s where you transform “a place to sleep” into “an unforgettable stay.” Let’s dive into how to make your amenities page a powerful conversion tool.

Paint a Picture of the Guest Experience

Don’t just list amenities – bring them to life.

  • Use vivid, sensory language. Instead of “Indoor pool,” try “Dive into our sun-drenched indoor oasis, where the water sparkles year-round at a perfect 82°F.”

  • Group amenities by experience. “Wellness retreat,” “Business essentials,” “Family fun” – help guests envision their ideal stay.

  • Tell micro-stories. “Sip handcrafted cocktails at our rooftop bar as the sun sets over the city skyline” paints a much more compelling picture than “Rooftop bar available.”

Leverage High-Quality Media

Show, don’t just tell. Visual content can increase the desire to book by up to 40%.

  • Use professional, high-resolution photos for each key amenity. Ensure they’re optimized for web to maintain fast load times.

  • Incorporate short video clips. A 360° tour of your spa or a time-lapse of your restaurant coming alive for dinner service can be incredibly powerful.

  • Consider using before-and-after sliders for amenities like your gym or business center. It’s a great way to showcase recent renovations or upgrades.

Structure Your Data

Make it easy for search engines to highlight your offerings.

  • Implement Schema.org markup for each amenity. Use the ‘amenityFeature’ property within your ‘Hotel’ schema.

  • Create separate sections on the page for each major amenity category. This helps with both user experience and search engine crawling.

  • Use clear, descriptive headings (H2, H3) for each amenity or category. This improves accessibility and helps with featured snippets in search results.

Incorporate Social Proof

Let your guests vouch for your amenities.

  • Include specific testimonials next to relevant amenities. “The spa treatment was heavenly!” next to your spa description is powerful.

  • Embed Instagram posts or TripAdvisor reviews that mention specific amenities.

  • If you have amenity-specific awards (like “Best Hotel Restaurant”), display them prominently.

Target Long-Tail Keywords

Capture specific search intent with strategic keyword use.

  • Research and target long-tail keywords like “hotel with rooftop pool in [city]” or “pet-friendly hotel with dog park in [location].”

  • Create subsections or even separate pages for standout amenities, optimized for these long-tail keywords.

  • Use these keywords naturally in your headings, body text, and image alt tags.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Add a clear CTA: Include a “Book Now” button near each major amenity description. Make it easy for inspired guests to take action.

  2. Use comparison charts: If you have different room types with varying amenities, a quick comparison chart can be incredibly helpful.

  3. Highlight unique or unexpected amenities: Do you offer yoga classes on the beach? Local artist workshops? These unique experiences can set you apart.

  4. Keep it current: Regularly update your amenities page. Seasonal offerings, new services, or temporary closures should all be reflected promptly.

  5. Offer virtual tours: For key amenities like the gym, spa, or restaurants, consider adding virtual tour options. This can significantly increase engagement and time on page.

Remember, your amenities page is a key tool in your conversion arsenal. It’s not just about informing guests – it’s about exciting them, helping them imagine their perfect stay at your property. Keep testing and refining your approach, and watch your booking rates soar.

Destination Page: Become the Local Expert

Your destination page is more than just a list of nearby attractions – it’s your opportunity to showcase your hotel as the perfect home base for exploring the area. A well-optimized destination page can significantly boost your SEO, attract potential guests in the research phase, and set you apart as a local authority. Let’s dive into how to create a destination page that not only ranks well but converts visitors into guests.

Create the Ultimate Guide to Your Location

Become the go-to resource for travelers planning their trip.

  • Develop comprehensive, evergreen content about your location. Cover history, culture, climate, and what makes your area unique.

  • Break down content into easily digestible sections: “Things to Do,” “Where to Eat,” “Best Time to Visit,” etc.

  • Include insider tips that showcase your local expertise. “The best sunset views are from X park, just a 5-minute walk from our hotel.”

  • Keep the content fresh by updating seasonally or when major local changes occur.

Highlight Those Hidden Gems

Showcase your insider knowledge to set your content apart.

  • Feature lesser-known attractions or experiences that aren’t on every tourist’s radar.

  • Create themed itineraries: “A Foodie’s Day Out,” “Family Fun Adventure,” “Romantic Getaway.”

  • Include quotes or recommendations from your staff. “Our concierge Maria recommends the hidden art gallery on X street for contemporary local art.”

  • Consider creating downloadable PDF guides for guests – great for capturing emails and providing extra value.

Master Internal Linking

Connect your destination content to relevant hotel offerings.

  • Link to your rooms page when mentioning accommodations: “After a day of exploring, relax in our spacious suites with city views.”

  • Connect to your dining page when discussing local cuisine: “Sample local flavors at our award-winning restaurant, or explore these nearby eateries.”

  • Link to your special offers when relevant: “Planning a winter getaway? Check out our ski package, which includes lift tickets to the nearby slopes.”

Optimize for Geo-Targeted Keywords

Capture that valuable search intent.

  • Research and target keywords like “hotels in [location],” “where to stay in [location],” and “best areas to stay in [location].”

  • Use these keywords naturally in your H1, H2s, meta title, meta description, and throughout your content.

  • Create separate sections or pages for different neighborhoods or areas within your location, each optimized for specific geo-targeted keywords.

Include an Interactive Map

Make it easy for guests to envision their stay.

  • Embed a Google Map with your hotel location marked.

  • Add pins for key attractions, restaurants, and transport hubs mentioned in your content.

  • Consider creating a custom map with categories (dining, shopping, attractions) that guests can filter.

  • Include estimated travel times from your hotel to key points of interest.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Leverage User-Generated Content: Include a social media wall showcasing guest photos from around your destination. It adds authenticity and keeps content fresh.

  2. Optimize for “Near Me” Searches: Use phrases like “X attraction near our hotel” throughout your content to capture “near me” search intent.

  3. Add Rich Snippets: Implement schema markup for events, attractions, and your hotel to enhance your search engine listings.

  4. Create a Local Events Calendar: Keep it updated with upcoming festivals, concerts, and seasonal activities. Great for both SEO and providing value to potential guests.

  5. Include Transportation Info: Provide details on how to get around, including public transit options, car rentals, and any shuttle services your hotel offers.

Remember, your destination page is not just about selling your hotel – it’s about selling the entire experience of visiting your location. By positioning your hotel as the perfect base for exploration, you’re not just informing potential guests, you’re inspiring them to book. Keep your content fresh, engaging, and packed with local insights, and you’ll see your organic traffic and direct bookings grow.

Room Types Page: Guiding Guests to Their Ideal Choice

Your Room Types page is where browsing turns into booking. It’s the pivotal point where potential guests envision themselves in your space and make the decision to stay. A well-optimized Room Types page not only showcases your offerings but guides visitors to the room that best fits their needs. Let’s dive into strategies to make this page a powerful conversion tool.

Create a Clear, Compelling Overview

First impressions matter. Make yours count.

  • Start with a brief, enticing introduction that highlights the overall experience of staying at your hotel.

  • Use high-quality hero images that showcase your best rooms or views.

  • Include a short summary of your room categories (e.g., “From cozy standard rooms to luxurious suites”).

  • Consider adding a unique selling proposition, like “All rooms feature handcrafted local furniture and organic toiletries.”

Use Comparison Tables Effectively

Make decision-making a breeze for your potential guests.

  • Create an easy-to-scan table comparing key features across room types (size, bed type, view, max occupancy, etc.).

  • Include a column for price ranges to help guests quickly assess options within their budget.

  • Use icons or color coding to make the table visually appealing and easy to understand at a glance.

  • Consider adding a “Best For” row (e.g., “Best for families,” “Ideal for business travelers”) to guide selection.

Implement Room-Specific Schema Markup

Help search engines showcase your offerings effectively.

  • Use Schema.org’s HotelRoom markup for each room type.

  • Include details like room name, type, description, occupancy, and price range.

  • Don’t forget to markup amenities specific to each room type.

  • If you offer accessible rooms, use the ‘amenityFeature’ property to highlight accessibility features.

Target Intention-Based Keywords

Capture specific search intent with strategic keyword use.

  • Research and incorporate keywords like “family rooms in [location],” “business suites in [hotel name],” or “romantic getaway rooms in [area].”

  • Use these keywords naturally in your room type titles, descriptions, and meta data.

  • Create content that answers common questions related to these search terms (e.g., “What amenities are included in our family rooms?”).

Showcase Each Room Type with Top-Notch Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words – make yours count.

  • Use high-quality, professional photos for each room type. Show the room from multiple angles.

  • Include photos of the view from the room, if it’s a selling point.

  • Consider adding 360-degree virtual tours. These can increase booking likelihood by up to 67%.

  • Use short video walkthroughs to give a more immersive sense of the space.

  • Don’t forget to optimize your image file names, alt text, and captions for SEO.

Write Compelling Room Descriptions

Paint a picture that allows guests to imagine themselves in the space.

  • Start with a catchy headline that highlights the unique selling point of each room type.

  • Use sensory language to describe the experience of staying in the room.

  • Highlight unique features or amenities specific to each room type.

  • Include key details like square footage, bed type, and maximum occupancy.

  • Mention the view or location within the hotel if it’s a selling point.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Add Clear CTAs: Include a prominent “Book Now” button for each room type. Consider adding urgency with phrases like “Only 2 rooms left at this rate!”

  2. Show Real-Time Availability: If possible, display real-time availability for each room type. This can create urgency and encourage quicker bookings.

  3. Highlight Flexible Options: If you offer flexible booking or cancellation policies, make sure to highlight these. They can be a deciding factor for many travelers.

  4. Include Guest Reviews: Add a few short, room-specific reviews to each room type description. Social proof can significantly impact decision-making.

  5. Offer Room Upgrades: Include information about possible upgrades or special packages associated with each room type.

Remember, your Room Types page isn’t just a catalog – it’s a guidance system helping guests find their perfect match. By providing clear, compelling information and intuitive navigation, you’re not just showcasing rooms; you’re facilitating decisions and driving bookings. Keep testing different layouts, descriptions, and visual elements to find what resonates best with your audience and drives the most conversions.

Specific Room Pages: Selling the Dream

Your specific room pages are where potential guests fall in love with your property. These pages need to do more than just list features – they should transport visitors, allowing them to imagine themselves enjoying a perfect stay. Let’s dive into how to create room pages that not only inform but inspire bookings.

Write Descriptions That Transport Visitors

Your words should paint a vivid picture of the guest experience.

  • Start with a compelling headline that highlights the room’s unique selling point. “Panoramic Ocean Views from Your Private Balcony” is more enticing than “Deluxe King Room.”

  • Use sensory language to bring the room to life. Describe the feel of high-thread-count sheets, the scent of locally-sourced toiletries, or the sound of waves from the balcony.

  • Structure your description to tell a story of the guest’s stay, from arrival to departure.

  • Include practical details (square footage, bed type, occupancy) woven naturally into the narrative.

Highlight Unique Features and Views

What makes this room special? Make sure it stands out.

  • Dedicate a section to unique amenities or features. “In-room espresso machine with locally roasted beans” is more appealing than a generic “coffee maker.”

  • If the room has a view, make it a star. Describe what guests can see at different times of day.

  • Mention any tech features that modern travelers appreciate, like smart TVs, high-speed WiFi, or USB charging ports.

  • If the room has historical or cultural significance, share its story. This adds depth and interest to your description.

Use Immersive Media

Let visuals do the heavy lifting in showcasing your rooms.

  • Invest in professional, high-quality photos that show the room from multiple angles. Ensure they’re well-lit and styled to look inviting.

  • Include 360-degree photos or video walkthroughs. These interactive elements can increase time on page and booking likelihood.

  • Show the room in different lighting conditions – a sun-drenched morning view can be just as appealing as a romantic evening ambiance.

  • Don’t forget to showcase the bathroom. High-end fixtures or spa-like features can be major selling points.

  • Optimize all media for web to ensure fast load times, crucial for both user experience and SEO.

Optimize for Long-Tail Keywords

Capture specific search intent to drive qualified traffic.

  • Research and incorporate long-tail keywords like “luxury ocean view suite in [location]” or “family-friendly hotel room with kitchenette in [area].”

  • Use these keywords naturally in your page title, headers, meta description, and throughout the content.

  • Create FAQ sections addressing common queries about the room type. This can help capture featured snippets in search results.

Include Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Make booking irresistible and easy.

  • Place a prominent “Book Now” button above the fold, and repeat it throughout the page.

  • Use action-oriented language in your CTAs. “Reserve Your Ocean View Retreat” is more compelling than “Book Now.”

  • Consider adding urgency with real-time availability updates or limited-time offers.

  • Include a phone number for those who prefer to book directly. Make it clickable for mobile users.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Showcase Flexibility: Highlight any flexible booking or cancellation policies. In uncertain times, this can be a major decision factor.

  2. Add a Virtual Concierge: Include a chatbot or live chat option to answer immediate questions about the room.

  3. Highlight Packages or Upgrades: Suggest relevant packages or room upgrades. “Enhance your stay with our Romance Package” can increase average booking value.

  4. Use Social Proof: Include room-specific guest reviews or user-generated content. A guest’s Instagram photo showcasing the view can be powerful.

  5. Create Seasonal Content: If your room’s appeal changes with the seasons, consider creating seasonal variations of your page to highlight different experiences throughout the year.

Remember, each room page is a chance to sell not just a place to sleep, but an experience to remember. By creating vivid, detailed, and emotive content, you’re not just describing a room – you’re inviting guests into a story where they’re the main character. Keep testing and refining your approach, always with the goal of making it easier for potential guests to say “yes” to your property.

Offers Page: Driving Those Direct Bookings

Your Offers page is more than just a list of deals – it’s a powerful tool for converting browsers into bookers. A well-optimized Offers page can increase direct bookings, improve customer loyalty, and boost your bottom line. Let’s dive into strategies to make your Offers page irresistible to potential guests.

Create Dedicated Landing Pages for Each Offer

Don’t lump all your offers together – give each one room to shine.

  • Design individual landing pages for each offer or package. This allows for focused messaging and targeted SEO.

  • Use a clear, benefit-driven headline for each offer. “Save 20% and Savor Luxury” is more compelling than “Winter Discount.”

  • Structure your content with clear sections: offer details, inclusions, terms, and booking information.

  • Include high-quality images that showcase what guests will experience with the offer.

  • Ensure each page has a clear, prominent call-to-action (CTA) to book the offer.

Use Persuasive Copywriting Techniques

Your words should excite and motivate potential guests to book.

  • Start with a strong value proposition. What makes this offer special?

  • Use sensory language to help guests imagine experiencing the offer. “Indulge in a candlelit dinner overlooking the city skyline” paints a vivid picture.

  • Highlight the exclusivity or limited nature of the offer. “Only available to our website visitors” can create a sense of privilege.

  • Address potential objections in your copy. If it’s a non-refundable rate, emphasize the significant savings to balance the lack of flexibility.

  • Use bullet points to make the offer’s inclusions easy to scan and understand.

Implement Urgency and Scarcity Tactics

Create a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to encourage quicker bookings.

  • Use countdown timers for limited-time offers. “Only 2 days left to book!” can be a powerful motivator.

  • Show real-time availability. “Only 3 rooms left at this rate” creates urgency.

  • Highlight seasonal or event-based offers. “Book now for New Year’s Eve” reminds guests of the limited window.

  • Consider using dynamic pricing to show how rates might increase if they don’t book now.

Target “Hotel Deals” Keywords

Capture those deal-seeking travelers with smart SEO.

  • Research and incorporate keywords like “hotel deals in [location]”, “best hotel offers [city]”, or “[hotel name] promotions”.

  • Use these keywords naturally in your page titles, headers, meta descriptions, and throughout the content.

  • Create content that answers common questions about your offers. This can help capture featured snippets in search results.

  • Don’t forget to optimize your images with relevant alt text and file names.

Be Transparent with Terms and Conditions

Build trust by being upfront about the details.

  • Clearly state any restrictions or blackout dates associated with the offer.

  • If the offer is rate-specific, make it clear which room types are eligible.

  • Explain the booking and cancellation policy for each offer.

  • Consider using expandable sections or tooltips to provide detailed information without cluttering the page.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Highlight Your Best Rate Guarantee: Make it clear that booking directly offers the best value.

  2. Showcase Exclusive Perks: Highlight benefits that only direct bookers receive, like free WiFi or late check-out.

  3. Use Social Proof: Include testimonials from guests who’ve enjoyed your offers in the past.

  4. Create Themed Packages: Develop offers around popular themes like romance, family fun, or local experiences.

  5. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your offers are easy to browse and book on mobile devices.

Remember, your Offers page isn’t just about discounts – it’s about creating value for your guests while driving direct bookings. Each offer should tell a story, paint a picture of an experience, and make it easy for potential guests to say “yes.” Keep testing different offers, layouts, and copy to find what resonates best with your audience and drives the most conversions.

Meetings, Events, and Venues Pages: Capturing High-Value B2B Traffic

Your Meetings, Events, and Venues pages are key to attracting lucrative business bookings and event contracts. These pages need to showcase your facilities, demonstrate your expertise, and make it easy for planners to envision their event at your property. Let’s dive into strategies to optimize these crucial pages.

Develop Comprehensive Pages for Each Space

Give each venue the spotlight it deserves.

  • Create individual pages for each meeting room, ballroom, or event space.

  • Use a clear, descriptive headline that includes the venue name and key feature (e.g., “The Grand Ballroom: Panoramic City Views for Up to 500 Guests”).

  • Start with a brief, compelling overview that highlights the unique selling points of the space.

  • Include high-quality photos and videos that showcase the space in different setups (conference, banquet, cocktail, etc.).

  • Consider adding 360-degree virtual tours to give planners a better sense of the space.

Include Detailed Specifications

Provide all the information event planners need to make decisions.

  • Create clear, easy-to-read capacity charts for different setups (theater, classroom, U-shape, etc.).

  • Include floor plans or diagrams that planners can download.

  • List technical specifications: available AV equipment, internet capabilities, lighting options, etc.

  • Mention any unique features like built-in stages, outdoor spaces, or breakout rooms.

  • Don’t forget to include accessibility information for each space.

Showcase Past Events with Photos and Testimonials

Build trust and help planners envision their event in your space.

  • Include a gallery of past events, showcasing the versatility of your spaces.

  • Feature testimonials from event planners or corporate clients who have used your facilities.

  • If possible, include case studies of successful events, detailing how your team helped overcome challenges.

  • Highlight any awards or recognitions your event spaces or services have received.

Optimize for B2B Keywords

Capture those high-intent searches from event planners.

  • Research and incorporate keywords like “corporate event venues in [location]”, “conference facilities [city]”, or “wedding reception venues [area]”.

  • Use these keywords naturally in your page titles, headers, meta descriptions, and throughout the content.

  • Create FAQ sections addressing common queries from event planners. This can help capture featured snippets in search results.

  • Don’t forget to optimize your images with relevant alt text and file names.

Implement a Clear RFP (Request for Proposal) Process

Make it easy for planners to take the next step.

  • Include a prominent, easy-to-use RFP form on each venue page.

  • Clearly outline the information you need from planners to provide an accurate quote.

  • Consider offering the option to schedule a site visit directly from the page.

  • If you have an event planning team, highlight their expertise and availability to assist.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Highlight Catering Options: If you offer in-house catering, showcase sample menus or the ability to customize.

  2. Emphasize Your Location: Highlight proximity to airports, public transport, or local attractions.

  3. Showcase Packages: Offer pre-designed meeting or event packages to make planning easier.

  4. Use Social Proof: Include logos of notable companies or organizations that have held events at your property.

  5. Highlight Sustainability: If your venue has green certifications or eco-friendly practices, make sure to mention them.

Remember, your Meetings, Events, and Venues pages are often the first point of contact for high-value B2B clients. These pages should not only inform but also inspire confidence in your property’s ability to host successful events. By providing comprehensive information, showcasing your expertise, and making it easy to take the next step, you’ll be well-positioned to capture this lucrative market segment.

Gallery Page: Your Visual Sales Pitch

Your Gallery page is often the make-or-break point in a potential guest’s decision-making process. It’s where they visualize their stay and get excited about the experience you offer. A well-optimized gallery can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. Let’s dive into strategies to make your Gallery page a powerful visual sales tool.

Organize Photos into Logical Categories

Make it easy for visitors to find exactly what they’re looking for.

  • Create clear, intuitive categories such as Rooms & Suites, Dining, Amenities, Events, and Local Area.

  • Consider adding subcategories for larger properties (e.g., under Dining, you might have Restaurant, Bar, Room Service).

  • Use a clear navigation system that allows users to easily switch between categories.

  • Implement a search function for larger galleries, allowing guests to find specific types of images quickly.

Use Only High-Quality, Professional Images

Your photos are a reflection of your brand – make sure they shine.

  • Invest in professional photography. The quality of your images directly impacts perception of your property.

  • Ensure all images are high-resolution and optimized for web (balancing quality and load time).

  • Use lifestyle shots that show people enjoying your facilities. This helps potential guests imagine themselves in the space.

  • Include a mix of wide shots to show space and detail shots to highlight quality and unique features.

  • Ensure photos accurately represent your property to set the right expectations.

Implement Lazy Loading to Improve Page Speed

Don’t let a slow-loading gallery drive potential guests away.

  • Implement lazy loading so that images load as the user scrolls, improving initial page load time.

  • Use thumbnail previews that expand to full-size images when clicked.

  • Consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve images faster to users worldwide.

  • Compress images without significant quality loss to further improve load times.

Optimize Image Metadata for SEO

Make your images work harder for your SEO efforts.

  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich file names for all images (e.g., “luxury-ocean-view-suite-bedroom.jpg” instead of “IMG_001.jpg”).

  • Write alt text for every image, describing what’s in the photo and including relevant keywords where natural.

  • Use captions to provide context and include keywords where appropriate.

  • Implement schema markup for your images to provide additional context to search engines.

Include User-Generated Content

Add authenticity and fresh perspectives to your gallery.

  • Create a section for guest photos, showcasing real experiences at your property.

  • Implement a system for guests to submit their photos directly or pull from social media using a specific hashtag.

  • Always get permission and credit guests for their contributions.

  • Moderate UGC to ensure it aligns with your brand standards and showcases your property in the best light.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Add Virtual Tours: Incorporate 360-degree virtual tours of key areas like rooms, lobbies, and amenities.

  2. Include Seasonal Shots: Showcase how your property looks across different seasons, especially if you’re in a location with distinct seasonal changes.

  3. Highlight Accessibility: Include photos that showcase your property’s accessibility features.

  4. Use Video Content: Incorporate short video clips to add dynamism to your gallery and showcase experiences that static images can’t capture.

  5. Add a CTA: Include a “Book Now” call-to-action button that follows as users scroll through the gallery.

Remember, your Gallery page is more than just a collection of pretty pictures – it’s a vital sales tool. Each image should tell a story about the experience guests can expect at your property. By organizing your gallery effectively, using high-quality images, and optimizing for both user experience and SEO, you can create a powerful visual argument for choosing your hotel. Keep updating your gallery regularly with fresh images to keep returning visitors engaged and showcase any new features or renovations.

What’s Nearby Page: Local SEO Gold

Your “What’s Nearby” page is a powerful tool for boosting local SEO and helping potential guests understand the advantages of your location. When optimized correctly, this page can significantly improve your visibility in local search results and provide valuable information that can tip the scales in favor of a booking. Let’s dive into strategies to make your “What’s Nearby” page a local SEO powerhouse.

Create an Interactive Map

Make it easy for potential guests to visualize your hotel’s location.

  • Embed a Google Map with your hotel clearly marked as the central point.

  • Add pins for nearby attractions, restaurants, transport hubs, and other points of interest.

  • Categorize pins by type (e.g., dining, shopping, attractions) and allow users to filter the map view.

  • Ensure the map is mobile-responsive for on-the-go travelers.

  • Include a feature that allows users to get directions from your hotel to various points of interest.

Write Snappy Descriptions of Nearby Attractions

Become a local guide to add value for your potential guests.

  • Create concise, informative descriptions of key nearby attractions and amenities.

  • Include distance from your hotel and estimated travel times by various modes of transport.

  • Highlight unique or lesser-known attractions to showcase your local knowledge.

  • Update content regularly to reflect seasonal attractions or events.

  • Consider creating themed itineraries (e.g., “A Family Day Out,” “Romantic Evening in the City”) to inspire potential guests.

Include Practical Information

Help guests plan their stay with useful local information.

  • Provide details on public transportation options near your hotel.

  • Include information about airport transfers or shuttle services you offer.

  • Mention nearby parking facilities if you don’t offer on-site parking.

  • List emergency services locations (hospitals, police stations) for peace of mind.

  • Include information about local weather patterns and best times to visit.

Target “Hotels Near [Attraction]” Keywords

Optimize your content for high-value local search terms.

  • Research popular local attractions and landmarks that people might search for hotels near.

  • Create subsections on your page for each major nearby attraction, optimized for “hotels near [attraction]” keywords.
  • Use these keywords naturally in headers, content, and meta data.

  • Create content that answers common questions about visiting these attractions, which can help capture featured snippets.

Use Local Business Schema Markup

Help search engines understand your location and nearby amenities.

  • Implement LocalBusiness schema markup on your “What’s Nearby” page.

  • Include your hotel’s geographic coordinates, address, and contact information.

  • Use the ‘amenityFeature’ property to highlight nearby attractions and services.

  • Consider using the ‘event’ schema to markup any major local events you mention.

Quick-Win Tips

  1. Leverage User-Generated Content: Include reviews or tips from past guests about nearby attractions or restaurants.

  2. Add a Local Events Calendar: Keep an updated list of upcoming local events, festivals, or concerts.

  3. Create a downloadable area guide: Offer a PDF guide that visitors can download for offline use during their stay.

  4. Highlight Exclusive Partnerships: Mention any special deals or partnerships you have with local attractions or services.

  5. Include a Local FAQ Section: Answer common questions about the area, transportation, and nearby amenities.

Remember, your “What’s Nearby” page is not just about listing local attractions – it’s about selling your location as part of the overall guest experience. By providing valuable, locally-focused content, you’re not only improving your local SEO, but you’re also helping potential guests envision a stay at your property. This page should convince visitors that your hotel is the perfect base for exploring all that your area has to offer.

Keep the content fresh and engaging, and don’t be afraid to showcase your local expertise. A well-optimized “What’s Nearby” page can be a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal, driving both organic traffic and bookings.

Learn How We Can Help You with Hotel SEO

Schedule a 30-min complimentary consultation today!

I know we’ve covered a lot, but remember, this isn’t just about pleasing algorithms (though that’s certainly part of it). It’s about creating a digital experience that turns lookers into bookers. I’ve seen these strategies transform hotel websites from digital brochures into booking machines. And let’s be honest, in today’s competitive landscape, can you afford not to optimize? Your website is your hardest-working sales team member – it’s time to give it the tools to succeed. So, pull up your sleeves, dive into your analytics, and start optimizing. Your occupancy rates will thank you.

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A results-driven Digital Marketing professional with 15+ years of experience across, SEO, Integrated Media Strategy, Content Strategy, and Digital Analytics. I have implemented successful growth strategies across various industries, such as Hospitality, SaaS, B2B, Retail, Pharmaceutical, and Publishing.

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